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    Can You Tell Me This


    Shufflin’ Noah playing live in the early 90’s – Fast, Loud and Ridiculous

  • Mama’s Pie


    Bill’s church organ drives this happy sing along.

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    Where Did I Go Wrong?


    The band pitches in to help, when Knarf asks the age-old question… For the brave – here’s the original 27 minute version: Shufflin’ Noah – Where Did I Go Wrong?

  • Hey Hey Billy


    There are nights when we plan a rehearsal, and certain people fail to show up, and then, we sometimes write a song about the situation…  

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    Bill was an incredibly good sport on this song, and because he tolerates us using him as our muse, and joined in with us, the song turned out so much better… For the longer version of the song with the instrumental intro, click here.

  • ESPN



  • jaw harp

    Stroke My Harp


    Haw, haw, haw…  

  • teachers lament2

    A Teacher’s Lament


    “I taught him that %$@!# song!..”

  • Web Cam


    “Gonna get myself famous, on the web cam…”  

  • a wish for the children

    Wish fo the Children


    Tom kicks us off with a bitter sweet bass lick, and Bill channels Robert Smith for a melancholy aural adventure.