The string ensemble intro Kyle composed gives this song a symphonic feel, and helps create an ambiance of of something larger than just four guys jamming. Kyle’s lyrics tell a melancholy, enigmatic story of the origin of said fallen soldier.
If there is any secret to Shufflin’ Noah’s songwriting, it’s at least in part fueled by our sense of humor (and an unusually high tolerance for silliness). When you are friends with someone for 30 years, you develop a unique ability to make them, and yourself, laugh. A lot. Many nights in the jam room…
Shufflin’ Noah gonna shuffle … this night, Tom and Matt switched it up, with Tom on lead guitar, driving the direction of the song musically. Matt chimed in with some appropriately non-sequitur lyrics to create another high quality Noah instant classic!
Back in the day, we took any gig, anywhere, and truly, honestly believed that “This Could Really Turn Into Something!”
A brief snippet of the longer jam that shows some of the earliest hints of the Turks theme. We were so into it, we didn’t notice how hot the keys were in the mix until the jam was done. For the full 9 minute jam, click below:
(trom)boner 15 Minutes of Fame (11-10-99) animals Archives (92-98) Basement Flood Beel Beel and Quarters Best Of Blues cajun rain chickens Christmas craziness current events driving fiddles First Load funky Guest Players hip-hop Hits Instrumental Jam Knarf little people Long Jams Matt morphin' New noah bleck nowhere performance art pie pizza politically incorrect Post Christmas Depression (1-4-01) psychedelic punk Radio Friendly reggae Santa Tom turks twang Warto