http://www.shufflinnoah.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ShufflinNoah-15MinutesofFame11-10-99-ThatsMyBass_edit.mp3 An ode to the lower end of the sonic spectrum.
Remember the Hero, not the zero – Hats off to Chris Mintz. You kick ass, man! Originally recorded in Apr 2007 after the tragic shootings at Virginia Tech.
(trom)boner 15 Minutes of Fame (11-10-99) animals Archives (92-98) Basement Flood Beel Beel and Quarters Best Of Blues cajun rain chickens Christmas craziness current events driving fiddles First Load funky Guest Players hip-hop Hits Instrumental Jam Knarf little people Long Jams Matt morphin' New noah bleck nowhere performance art pie pizza politically incorrect Post Christmas Depression (1-4-01) psychedelic punk Radio Friendly reggae Santa Tom turks twang Warto