In music composition, there are catchy hooks… there are ear worms … and then there are the infectious ditties composed by Bill on his keyboard. They are to ear worms the same way potato bugs are to that parasite that crawled inside Lt Checkov’s ear in Star Trek 2 – the Wrath of Kahn. You have been warned!
Stop the Madness! (aka Tommy Don’t Want…)
(trom)boner 15 Minutes of Fame (11-10-99) animals Archives (92-98) Basement Flood Beel Beel and Quarters Best Of Blues cajun rain chickens Christmas craziness current events driving fiddles First Load funky Guest Players hip-hop Hits Instrumental Jam Knarf little people Long Jams Matt morphin' New noah bleck nowhere performance art pie pizza politically incorrect Post Christmas Depression (1-4-01) psychedelic punk Radio Friendly reggae Santa Tom turks twang Warto