
Field of Black – A Noah Deep Dive Analysis

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Nowadays, Shufflin’ Noah rarely will take time to re-record a song.  But back in the day, we had certain songs that we played a lot, and recorded multiple times.  Field o Black is one of those songs, and it is interesting to watch its evolution over time.


1991 – Pre-Noah
aka: the painful keyboards version of Field o Black

This version was recorded before Knarf joined the band, and shows the early direction the arrangement took with a short instrumental intro before the song really kicked off.  It’s also the slowest tempo of the song ever recorded.


1992 – First Shufflin’ Noah line up records FoB

Knarf still figuring out a drum part, instrumental intro still there. Tempo = picking up steam. Kyle has started to dial in a distinctive laser beam effect sound to play behind the guitar solo. (This sound would make a cameo appearance on the track Turks in Space)


May ’92 – Tom Nedreberg Recording Session FoB

The instrumental intro is dropped, in favor of an oral intro by Matt explaining the genesis (heh) of Kyle’s lyrics. This was a staple of the live stage show, and the crowds always laughed.


Oct ’92 – Basement Flood FoB

Tighter overall, especially Matt and Kyle’s dual vocals. No intro, oral or otherwise. Guitar breaks are cleaner, there are more drum fills, Tom’s bass line is growing more intricate, and Matt’s guitar solo is also developing some sweet licks.


1993 – Side Pocket FoB

Live performances were guaranteed to experience a 20% tempo acceleration thanks to Knarf’s copious consumption of caffeine. In spite of this, the rest of the guys manage to nail their parts, especially Tom, who at this point in the evolution of the song, fully unleashes a sick bass line.


1998 Practices FoB

The famous extended jam, Matt and Bill cracking up over the inside jokes around the lyrics. “Nobody fart, Frank!”  The bass slide Tom does right before the last verse is a highlight.


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One response to “Field of Black – A Noah Deep Dive Analysis”

  1. warto Avatar

    Space tumbleweeds passing by our port hole. Look Beel, there goes one now…

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